It is against the law to conduct a business in a manner which discriminates against any employee, job applicant, visitor, customer or supplier on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital status, disability, religious belief or non-belief, sexual orientation, social background, trade union membership or working arrangements.
A company can also be held liable for its employees’ acts of discrimination against a colleague or a customer.
In order to promote equality and diversity in your company as well as appear favourably to future employees, customers, suppliers and public organisations, we strongly advise you to develop and adopt the principles of equality and diversity in your business and to train your staff accordingly.
Our employment law specialists will prepare an equality and diversity policy for your business based on information you provide and in accordance with current best practice. The policy statement will set out your principles to ensure that everyone in your organisation or visiting the company is treated fairly, openly and honestly, and with dignity and respect.
The statement will cover your principles in respect of the recruitment, promotion, training and career development of your employees. It will address subjects such as: employees and customers with disabilities; issues of age; customer, supplier, and visitor relations; the responsibilities of the company and its employees.
By adopting and publishing this policy in your company, you will be able to demonstrate that your organisation values the differences between people and treats any discriminatory acts seriously. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.