What does the Energy Bill mean for businesses?

Corporate governance advisers London Registrars (https://www.london-registrars.co.uk/) looks at what the Energy Bill means for businesses in the UK.

The Energy Bill was introduced to the House of Commons by the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Ed Davey on Thursday, November 29th 2012. The bill is part of the government’s aim of attracting £110bn of investment into the energy sector and creating a low-carbon economy. But what impact does the Energy Bill have for businesses in the UK, and will that impact be positive or negative, asks company formations and corporate support firm London Registrars? Continue reading

A rundown of London Registrars’ company secretarial services for PLCs

The many benefits of a business operating as a public limited company (PLC) include access to capital, liquidity, an opportunity to make acquisitions more easily and a more prestigious profile, as well as profit and tax advantages. There are, however, also various implications, and a public limited company is as likely as any other to prosper as a result of the use of the right company secretarial services, from a firm like London Registrars (https://www.london-registrars.co.uk). Continue reading

More about the London Registrars Meeting Management Service

At a time when so many of the companies that turn to London Registrars (https://www.london-registrars.co.uk) for assistance with corporate governance are likely to be continually outsourcing services so that they can focus more on their core business, they may also be interested in the Meeting Management Service that allows them to do much the same for their meetings. Continue reading

The Establishment of UK Branches of Foreign Companies

London Registrars (https://www.london-registrars.co.uk) has attracted acclaim for the quality of its company secretarial services and expertise in related areas, encompassing the likes of business consultancy and legal and business support. The situation is little different as far as company formations are concerned, with the firm providing advice in relation to limited company incorporation as well as the subject of this article – the registration of a branch of a foreign company in the UK. Continue reading

New non-executive director liability advice issued by ICSA

Non-executive directors (NED) who are clients of the company secretarial services of London Registrars (https://www.london-registrars.co.uk) will be aware that there are various penalties that can be imposed on them in the event of their failing to carry out their duties. Now, new guidance on their liability has been issued by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA). Continue reading

Half of companies unaware of Bribery Act according to new research

As part of its corporate governance and legal support services, London Registrars (https://www.london-registrars.co.uk/) regularly updates clients on the ramifications of the Bribery Act 2010, which fights against bribery and corruption in the corporate arena. This is clearly a warranted service, given the fact that new research has revealed that half of companies in the UK are unaware that the Act even exists. Continue reading

Employee Ownership – Engaging or Alienating?

At London Registrars (https://www.london-registrars.co.uk/) we offer company secretarial services, company formations, company compliance advice and implementation as well as company secretarial audit services and a whole host of business critical support solutions. And all of our specialists, from paralegals to accountants and from bookkeepers to administrators, not only care about our clients but care about our company and as a team that works so closely together we are lucky to have such talented and dedicated staff. Continue reading