While the recent Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Policy Statement – Removing the Transparency Directive’s requirement to publish interim management statements will certainly be welcomed by many of the organisations using London Registrars business consultant services, it will not necessarily have much impact on its aim of reducing the clutter of quarterly reports. Continue reading
The Charity Commission promises to make charities more accountable
New regulation requirements for charities has underlined the importance of hiring trusted business consultancy services to keep charities performing as compliantly as possible.
On 23rd October 2014, the Charity Commission, an independent regulator of charities in England and Wales, announced changes to the annual return process, which is intended to ensure that the public can give money to charities in confidence. Regulators reported that new questions to be added to the annual return will improve its ability to identify those charities in risk of financial failure, thereby making them more accountable to the public that supports them. Continue reading
Select tax-efficient dates for increased cash-flow
New companies often experience steady growth during their first months in business, so it is important to properly assess the optimal accounting dates in order to make earnings as tax efficient as possible. Those benefitting from London Registrars’ outstanding support for new businesses can be guided through the most advantageous processes in order to secure the maximum benefit, and ensure their rapid growth and future success.
Incorporated businesses must adhere to a maximum period of twelve months for tax calculations. However, your company’s accounting period does not have to be one year exactly ā you have the option of extending up to a period of 18 months, or reducing it as much as you require. Altering your accounting period can serve to extend your Corporation Tax date, which can be especially beneficial for new businesses from a tax point of view. Continue reading
How share capital can be claimed back, tax-free
Shareholders making use of London Registrars’ support for business who started a company with share capital that is no longer necessary may be interested to learn that they can take back some of their money without incurring a significant tax bill. Continue reading
UK Corporate Governance Code updated by Financial Reporting Council
It will interest many of those firms benefitting from London Registrars’ business consultancy in London to learn that an updated version of the UK Corporate Governance Code was been issued by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC). The aim is to ensure that investors are significantly better informed on listed companies’ long-term health and the bar for risk management is also being raised. Continue reading
Accounting rule changes reduce paperwork for medium-sized firms
Some 11,000 medium-sized UK businesses benefiting from the business support solutions of companies such as London Registrars will be pleased to hear of the reduction in their accounting paperwork that will result from a proposed change in changes in accounting rules. Continue reading
Bill introduces concept of ‘persons with significant control’
Business support agencies like London Registrars are currently updating their clients on the progress through Parliament of the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill, which was introduced by the government in June 2014. The draft legislation proposes that all UK companies will be obligated to create and maintain a register of beneficial ownership, the intention being to make publicly available all of the information contained in these registers. Continue reading
New research shows vital role of the company secretary
Much insight into the significant contribution that a good company secretary makes to board performance has been given by new research from Henley Business School. The study, undertaken in conjunction with the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA), scrutinised the unique role of company secretaries, finding that despite being sometimes undervalued and misunderstood, they were intrinsic to the success of their organisations. Continue reading
What the switch from the Annual Return to the Annual Confirmation Statement really means
Many clients of business support agencies like London Registrars may have noticed the recent introduction in Parliament of the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill, which proposes the replacement of the familiar Annual Return with something called the ‘Annual Confirmation Statement’. It may sound like a drastic a change but it only really amounts to a rebranding of the Annual Return. Continue reading
What the rules say about VAT record keeping
Many of the businesses that haven’t taken advice from specialists such London Registrars (a firm of company secretaries and business consultants in London) may have been informed after a visit by HMRC that their VAT records were in need of improvement.
In the last few years HMRC have concentrated on publicising the importance of maintaining appropriate records. Since 2011, this publicity campaign has been supported by a special programme for checking corporate records. For those organisations with records that fail to pass muster, there is the threat of a fine of up to Ā£3,000, levied under the rules for direct tax (income and corporation tax) self-assessment. However, in relation to VAT, a separate record-keeping penalty of up to Ā£500 can be imposed. Continue reading