Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007


The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 (‘the Act’), which came into force in April 2008, was a landmark in law which for the first time allowed the authorities to prosecute organisations where a corporate management failing has led to the death of an individual, resulting from a breach of Health and Safety at Work. Continue reading

Good intentions are major factor in ‘market value’ intra-group transfers

One subject that may puzzle those approaching London Registrars for commercial law consultancy services is that of intra-group transfers of assets – including shares in other group companies – by sale or distribution. While such transfers are common in corporate transactions such as group restructurings, demergers and pre-sale reorganisations, ensuring that such transfers are at ‘market value’ has long worried some company directors. Continue reading

London Stock Exchange consults on AIM rule changes

News that any AIM company secretary should be firmly aware of is the recent release by the London Stock Exchange (LSE) of a notice, to Nominated Advisers and all AIM companies, that it is consulting on proposed alterations to the AIM Rules for Companies. Such changes will apply to both investing companies and AIM companies undertaking a fundamental change of business, with the AIM Note for Investing Companies also being modified as a result. Continue reading

Requirements for when an auditor leaves office now simplified

Many of those that have changed auditors for their companies will not need to be reminded of the, obligations are outlined in the Companies Act 2006 on both an outgoing auditor and the company that it is ceasing to audit. These measures ensure that both company shareholders and the appropriate authorities are informed about the departure of the auditor and the reasons why. Continue reading

More properties caught in ATED net

The country’s buy-to-let landlords have already experienced a tough tax regime and rising costs, but they should now strongly consider seeking the assistance of business consultants in London to avoid being negatively affected by the Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED).

This special capital gains tax will affect residential properties owned by companies; meaning, where a property is owned by non-natural persons – either a company, a partnership with one or more corporate partners, or a collective investment scheme. Formerly referred to as the Annual Residential Property Tax, ATED is an annual charge on residential property within the UK. From April of this year it applies to all property valued at over £1 million, but this is set to be reduced to £500,000 by 1 April 2016. Continue reading