Does your organisation’s board have a catalysing or constraining influence?

When the time comes for your organisation’s annual meeting, as a shareholder, it is likely that you will be asking yourself whether each member of your board is still qualified for their position.

It is certainly a question that should be carefully considered by prospective and current users of board secretary services like those that London Registrars can provide, but it is not the only one that is important.

That’s because it is also vital to think about your firm’s board as a whole, and whether its mix of people is the right one for the company.

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What the 2017 Spring Budget means for EIS and R&D tax credits

As the 2016 Autumn Statement promised, this week saw the presentation of the final Spring Budget, which – given plans for an annual budget presentation providing a longer-term outlook – focused on areas of potential change since the Autumn Statement, such as the deficit. The Budget also sought to reaffirm the new government’s vision of how it would achieve a “stronger, better, fairer Britain”.

Firms using corporate secretary services like those of London Registrars are therefore likely to be particularly heartened by the Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond’s reiteration of the government’s commitment to preserving Britain’s status as a premier global business destination.

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Disciplinary action highlights importance of AIM companies liaising with their nominated advisers

Of interest to many an AIM company secretary wishing to ensure compliance within their organisation will be disciplinary action recently taken by the AIM Disciplinary Committee (ADC) in relation to an AIM company breaching rules by failing to provide its nominated adviser (nomad) with “information reasonably required to carry out the nomad’s responsibilities”. Continue reading

Steps are being taken to guard against modern slavery in UK supply chains

Modern slavery, in its various forms, affects around 21 million people worldwide and is a multi-billion pound industry. It is surprising that slavery even exists in the 21st century, but it does. In 2015, then-Home Secretary Theresa May introduced the Modern Slavery Act to try to prevent UK businesses from becoming part of the problem.

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The ‘Brexit’ vote and the unforeseen consequence for corporate governance  

The UK electorate’s decision to leave the European Union has triggered a period of uncertainty for the nation until Article 50 is triggered at some point next year. Jobs, economic growth and freedom of movement are sure to be big issues for the public, but perhaps one area that is likely to see especially great, albeit largely unforeseen change as a result of the vote is corporate governance. Continue reading

Changes to the guidance for multi-academy trust governing bodies

Regardless of the size of organisation, good governance is essential – it helps to hold key decision makers to account, ensure that records are kept correctly and accurately and enhance transparency. Ultimately, good governance should be seen as a means of making a business’s procedures more efficient, not as a layer of red tape through which to break. Continue reading

Revamp to EU data protection legislation for 2018

The European Commission has recently moved to strengthen and improve data protection laws in the European Union, with the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The GDPR comes into force in May 2018 and operates similarly to the Data Protection Act that it replaces. Although the current legislation applies to all “personal data” that is received by organisations, following advancements in technology, the new legislation offers a broader definition of “personal data”, with online identifiers – such as IP addresses – receiving greater protection than previously. Continue reading