First GDPR enforcement notice puts new EU law’s extra-territorial reach to the test

One factor that those looking to register a business in the UK must bear in mind is the EU’s recently introduced strict data protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Such individuals may therefore take an interest in the news that the UK data protection regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), has issued its first GDPR enforcement notice.

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What are the director’s duties in insolvency circumstances?

In the event of a company becoming insolvent due to its debts and creditors exceeding its assets, it is the statutory duty of the company’s directors to act in the best interests of the company’s creditors as a whole. It must be possible for the directors to demonstrate that they have taken every feasible step within their control to ensure that all creditors have been repaid using the company’s resources.

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Ever-more prevalent ransomware heightens the importance of business vigilance

One recent story that existing business owners or those looking to incorporate a limited company with the assistance of London Registrars may have noted concerns on what has been declared to be the ‘worst ever’ ransomware attack. Experts believe that as-yet-unknown parties lifted a trove of tools from the National Security Agency (NSA) that were then used for a global malware campaign.

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